Case Study: A Kindly Stannahsaur Helps Out in Chingford Care Home
Pop in to St Ives Lodge Care Home in North Chingford, East London, and you will spot the latest in a long line of kindly Stannahsaurs – a Piccolo platform lift that has been helping staff and residents move between three floors since 1987.
That’s 30 years of reliable service, which is just what you’d expect from Stannah, a leading UK lift company currently celebrating its 150-year heritage.
Sociable and reliable, the Piccolo carries up to five people (375kg) between three floors in the Bellflower unit. It is one of several passenger lifts helping people of all mobility levels move about this 32-bedroom residence comprising three Victorian mansions converted and interlinked to form a luxury care home.
Lift-fossil enthusiasts delight at the lift car’s wood-veneered walls, half-height rear mirror, carpeted floor, concealed ceiling lighting and original operating panel. It bears the patina of service with dignity, and the denizens of St Ives Lodge wouldn’t be without it, as manager, Maureen Lewis, confirms:
“Our Piccolo was installed when the three mansions came together to form St Ives Lodge. Its performance certainly belies it years and it plays a vital role in helping residents and staff alike go about their daily manoeuvres. Stannah certainly builds lifts to last!”
Proud ancestor of today’s machinery-directive Piccolo lift, this tireless retainer owes its longevity to Stannah’s superior genetics and the support of a comprehensive lift servicing plan, delivered by the London and the South East – Dartford branch of Stannah Lift Services, part of a nationwide network providing comprehensive lift servicing and support.
With a plethora of Piccolos still in service and over 25 years old, Stannah has high hopes of the modern generations of Stannah Piccolo.
NB: Inhouse palaeontologists are unearthing numerous prehistoric Stannah lifts, with several sites of special scientific interest currently under investigation. Great news for lift fossil owners and their many fans. So watch this space!